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Assessment Task 7 (DAVID)

Different types of Graphic File Formats ;

JPEG/JFIF.   // Most commonly used due to its stability of file compression
JPEG 2000.  //beta version of JPEG
GIF.               //Made up for 400 different colours (MAX
PNG.            //PNG is great for big, high quality high resolution images

Images that art JPEG, GIF, PNG are lossless images, the advantage of this would be that they are easy to send places online because the images are not too big. But then the disadvantage is especially for GIF and Jpeg is that a lot of original quality can be lost. 
MetaData is the data stored within an image, this can be decompressed, altered and is a good system for computer based artists who want to experiment and try new things with images. 

File Management is very important because without it you wouldn't know where anything was on your computer! Not to mention that processing is relying on you placing files needed for the program to be stored correctly  under that tasks folders. 


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